The VFW Celebrates 75 Years of Community Support

VFW 6208 - 2/24/2021

Founded in 1946, the Prior Lake Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6208 (VFW) is celebrating 75 years of community support. They are a nonprofit service organization comprised of U. S. military veterans that have served honorably in areas of foreign combat.

Following the conclusion of World War II, many local veterans of both WW I and II decided to join a national organization of fellow veterans.  Today, in Prior Lake, the VFW works closely with the Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce and other organizations to support community events such as Bunny Breakfast and the spring and fall Senior Luncheons. They also host regular fundraisers for needy citizens and local organizations including Prior Lake Fireman’s fall Chicken feed, high school sports, boy scouts and girl scouts.

On Sunday, February 24, 1946 the Prior Lake VFW Post #6208 was installed into the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States by 2nd District Commander Frank Bierl of Mankato VFW Post #950. The Post began with 27 members, but grew to 41 by May 25 when the charter was closed. The initial meeting took place in the old village hall. Leo Borgerding was the first Post commander.

A few weeks later the Auxiliary was formed at the Prior Lake School Auditorium.  VFW Auxiliary #6208 was installed by 2nd District President Ida Schoening from St. Perter Aux. #1220. Mildred Speiker Conroy was the first Auxiliary President with 22 charter members.  All charter members of the Post and Auxiliary are deceased.

The July 1946 VFW meeting, the Auxiliary prepared and served dinner for formal institution of the Prior Lake Lions. The Post voted to purchase 10 Springfield rifles for the Color Guard, some of these are still in use by the Honor Guard. In 1947 the VFW held the first Memorial Day parade and service in Prior Lake. At the November 1947 Post meeting it was decided to have bingo every Wednesday night. Many other activities were begun for the aid and support of veterans, their families and the community of Prior Lake.

In 2020, the City and VFW teamed up to offer The Military Banner Program recognizing and honoring the brave individuals who made the choice to serve in the United States Armed Services. Banners with pictures of service men and women are hung on light poles throughout the downtown area during the summer. The City of Prior Lake also has the designation of a "Purple Heart” community, honoring combat wounded veterans. At their Feb. 16 meeting, the City Council proclaimed Feb. 24 VFW day with a declaration.
Click/tap here to view the City of Prior Lake Proclamation